It’s an intriguing dilemma, why put on rubber?
Firstly, I suppose it’s great to start with what is rubber?
Rubber is often a normal material, comprised of the sap in the rubber tree. It’s gathered, and treated, rolled flat into sheets and afterwards “vulcanised” which basicly means they increase sulphur and Cook dinner it within an oven!
Why make clothes from it?
Well, why not! It’s similar to every other material, it might be sewn, but a lot more probably it’s glued with each other to make clothes. The glues employed are quite potent, as potent 야짤 as the material it’s bonding with each other. Rubber used to be viewed as an “underground” materials for making dresses from, for fetishists only truly, but now it’s receiving much more mainstream, it’s usually used in Film and TV to both Express “technological know-how”or “futurism” as well as “fetishism”.
An example of rubber getting used in movies extensively will be The Matrix Trilogy. Nearly all of Trinity’s garments in which was created by Reactor Rubberwear ( as plenty of the Matrix was in fact filmed in Australia.
So arrive on, why would I don it?